Tuesday, December 11, 2012

DFIR Challenge Answers

As promised, here are the answers to my latest dfir challeng.

1. Who delivered the attack?

  • isd@petro-markets.info
    1. 2. Who was the attack delivered too?

    2. amirs@petro-market.org
    3. callb@petro-market.org
    4. wrightd@petro-market.org
      1. 3. What time was the attack delivered?
      2. Mon, 26 Nov 2012 14:00:08 -0600
        1. 4. What time was the attack executed?
        2. ENG-USTXHOU Mon Nov 26 2012 23:01:54
        3. FLD-SARIYADH Tue Nov 27 2012 00:17:58
          1. 5. What is the C2 ip Address?
            1. 6. What is the name of the dropper?
            2. Symantec-1.43-1.exe
              1. 7. What is the name of the backdoor?
              2. 6to4ex.dll
                1. 8. What is the process name the backdoor is running in?
                2. svchost.exe
                  1. 9. What is the process id on all the machines the backdoor is installed on?
                  2. ENG-USTXHOU 1024
                  3. FLD-SARIYADH 1032
                    1. 10. What usernames were used in this attack?
                    2. callb
                    3. amirs
                    4. sysbackup
                      1. 11. What level of access did the attacker have?
                      2. Local system administrator
                        1. 12. How was lateral movement performed?
                        2. Combination of net commands, psexec and .bat scripts
                          1. 13. What .bat scripts were placed on the machines?
                          2. system1.bat
                          3. system2.bat
                          4. syetem3.bat
                          5. system4.bat
                          6. system5.bat
                          7. system6.bat
                            1. 14. What are the contents of each .bat script?

                              @echo off
                              mkdir c:\windows\webui
                              net share z=c:\windows\webui /GRANT:sysbackup,FULL
                              ipconfig >> c:\windows\webui\system.dll
                              net share >> c:\windows\webui\system.dll
                              net start >> c:\windows\webui\system.dll
                              net view >> c:\windows\webui\system.dll

                              @echo off
                              c:\windows\webui\gs.exe -a >> c:\windows\webui\svchost.dllst

                              @echo off
                              dir /S C:\*.dwg > c:\windows\webui\https.dll

                              @echo off
                              c:\windows\webui\ra.exe a -hphclllsddlsdiddklljh -r c:\windows\webui\netstat.dll "C:\Engineering\Designs\Pumps" -x*.dll

                              @echo off
                              copy c:\windows\webui\wc.exe c:\windows\system32
                              at 04:30 wc.exe -e -o h.out

                              @echo off
                              ipconfig /all >> c:\windows\webui\system.dll
                              net share >> c:\windows\webui\system.dll
                              net start >> c:\windows\webui\system.dll
                              net view >> c:\windows\webui\system.dll
                              15. What other tools were placed on the machines by the attacker?

                            2. gs.exe - gsecdump
                            3. ps.exe - psexec
                            4. ra.exe - rar.exe
                            5. sl.exe - scanline
                            6. wc.exe - Windows Credentials Editor
                              1. 16. What directory was used by the attacker to drop tools?
                              2. c:\windows\webui
                                1. 17. Was the directory newly created or was it there prior to the attack?
                                2. Newly Created
                                  1. 18. What were the names of the exfiltrated files?
                                  2. pump1.dwg - pump100.dwg
                                    1. 19. What did the exfiltrated files contain?
                                    2. Files contained all 0's
                                      1. 20. What time did winrar run?
                                      2. Tue Nov 27 2012 01:11:19
                                        1. 21. What is the md5sum of pump1.dwg?
                                        2. a48266248c04b2ba733238a480690a1c
                                          1. 22. Which machines were compromised and need to be remediated?
                                          2. ENG-USTXHOU-148
                                          3. FLD-SARIYADH-43
                                          4. IIS-SARIYADH-03
                                            1. 23. Which user accounts were compromised and need to be remediated?
                                            2. callb - Used by attacker
                                            3. amirs - Used by attacker
                                            4. sysbackup - Used by attacker
                                            5. saadmin\petro-market.org - Hash seen dumped by gsecdump
                                            6. administrator\current - Hash seen dumped by gsecdump
                                              1. 24. Are there additional machines that need to be analyzed?
                                              2. Yes. The machine of the third phish recipient (wrightd@petro-market.org). That needs to be validated that it has not been comp'd.
                                                1. 25. Describe how each machine was involved in this incident and overall what happened.
                                                2. See writeup
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